A downloadable zine

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"You must travel far, beyond the spider-haunted towers of Byzaron and the red mists of The Yielding Plain. The Sleeping Augur awaits, through azure pylons inscribed with sigils both beneficent and doomed"

AZAG is a combination tabletop role playing game and five track instrumental album.  Featuring a rule system inspired by the likes of Fighting Fantasy and Troika! in a setting inspired by Lovecraft's Dream Cycle, Howard's Conan, and Smith's Hyperborea. 

Treat with strange entities, battle against weird magics, and explore a world of mystery and wonder!

This 78-Page RPG Includes:

  • 7 Short Fiction Pieces
  • A full rule system inspired by Fighting Fantasy/Troika!
  • Magic Item Generation Tables
  • Encounter Tables for over 25 unique locations
  • NPC/Plot Hook Generators

This page is a great place to pick up the game pdf by itself but if you want to grab the combo album/game just head over to the bandcamp page.



Buy Now$10.00 USD or more

In order to download this zine you must purchase it at or above the minimum price of $10 USD. You will get access to the following files:

AZAG.pdf 48 MB
AZAG World Map.png 9.6 MB
AZAG Character Sheet.pdf 398 kB
AZAG-V2-A5.pdf 83 MB

Development log


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I don't understand how social encounters work.

Can you give me explained step-by-step example?

A troll guarding the bridge. 4 players want to convince him to let them pass. How would you run it?


Interesting question. I kinda wrote the procedure in the most direct way I would explain it...so let me try to answer your scenario specifically:

  1. First of all, what's the Troll's Disposition? Let's assume he's not fond of adventurers and put him at a 3 or Wary. The GM let's the players know: "this creature seems unlikely to just let you pass for nothing, I'd put them at a 3 on the scale so they'd be rolling d10s in this encounter" and the players say "okay well, we just want this guy to let us cross, so we want to push him to a 4 or 5 on the scale"
  2. The Troll rolls 2d10 and the players roll 2d6 (one 2d6 roll for the group). Both sides hide their dice from each other. (I liked putting them under cups in front of the two sides)
  3. Every PC or NPC gets a chance to Ante for their side of argument, but each only gets to once. So the Troll could say "why should I let you pass? The last group through here threw a torch at me as soon as my back was turned!" Then the GM rolls a d6 and leaves that out in the open on their side. A player could say "listen, I don't even *like* fire. No torches on me" and the GM would be like "okay, kind of hard to prove, you can roll a d6 for that but you gotta spend 2 Luck points". Another player could say "I speak the ancient tongue of Trolls and have a token of friendship from that time I helped another Troll" and the GM would likely respond "Wow, that's great! Roll a d6, no need to spend any Luck" Another player could choose not to ante at all (maybe because they know the hidden 2d6 roll is very high?). Anyway any ante d6's that the players roll are kept out in the open as well.
  4. At this point there are some dice visible on the table so we kinda know what the odds are. Maybe the players are thinking "damn, we are sitting on a *very low* total number and the GM's dice we can see are high" then they can either fold (give up) "well fine Troll, we'll find another way across" or double down (try again, harder) "we're going to change tactics and try to intimidate the Troll!", then we would go back to 2. Or they can just feel like their odds are pretty good and skip this step, proceeding to 5.
  5. The GM and the players reveal their hidden dice and total up both sides. If the players are higher than the Troll the GM could say "the Troll scratches his chin, considering your argument and he figures, given that you did ask nicely in the ancient tongue, he's willing to let you pass". If they're too low the GM could say "the Troll spots the torch you tried to hide in your pack and is deeply annoyed. No way he's willing to let you across the bridge, he's sure you're trying to trick him!" If the players doubled down and lost? Well let's say they tried that three times? (you can keep repeating the loop where you double down, but it makes the disposition go down further) Then his disposition would move down 3 stages to 0! "Enraged that you would dare lie to him, the Troll swings his club at you!" Now we would turn to the combat page.

Does that help?

I've been thinking a lot about how useful examples of play can be (my 5B project over on DriveThruRPG uses them extensively) so I think in the event that I do an update to AZAG I would include them.


Thank you, this clarified a lot.

Things that was not clear for me and my friends:

1. The division between a group action(hidden dice) and individual action(Ante)

2. How many Ante can anyone make in one round? To be clear, I can just storm you with arguments in a matter of seconds. Will it be 1 ante or several? Not clear

3. There's no "Skip to step 5" option in the book. "Players can double down or fold". Not clear for people who don't have an experience in poker

4. Can monsters double down? What's stopping them? They never lose anything. So they shouldn't be able to. Not clear from rules

5. Why fold as a monster? If they fold - they lose 100% of the time. If they don't - they have a chance. Maybe if they don't want to fight because they're afraid, or if the player offer something so valuable, the monster will do anything to get it. But it's not supported mechanically

I don't know if you already solved this in any other of your work, but the way it works in Azag now doesn't seem to be a perfect solution in Game Theory sense. 

But I love how this involves all players into a social situation, it's inspiring idea. And it creates a room for interesting social Talents.

And thanks for the answer, heartwarming 

Hello! It seems I'm in the same predicament as others who purchased Azag from LF OSR—I bought a copy on February 7th, and it was never sent. I’ve also reached out via email but haven't received any response. Do you know where else I might buy a physical copy? Alternatively, could you possibly upload, or send via e-mail, a ready-to-print version that includes a spine and bleed, allowing us to print a personal copy locally? I perfectly understand if that’s not possible, but any help or information you can provide would be greatly appreciated!

Sorry you're having trouble getting your copy. I'll look over my files but I don't think I have a print friendly version.
I have been looking into printing through Lulu but I haven't finished putting together the print proof yet. I can keep you informed on the progress for that if you would like.

Hello! Thank you very much for the reply 😊


Are there plans for any further AZAG products/supplements? Thanks in advance!

Yes! I commissioned another adventure module by a writer I really like. Not ready to announce yet since they're still putting it together. Hopefully in the next few months.


Thanks for the quick answer! Will surely buy them both when it comes out! :D

If you haven't seen it, I commissioned a module already from Diogo Nogueira called The Dream Thieves, you can pick it up here: https://diogo-old-skull.itch.io/the-dream-thieves 

(1 edit) (+1)

Do you happen to have any copies left of Dream Thieves? I have the pdf but I would love a physical copy. I absolutely *love* AZAG by the way and I'm happy I was able to get the physical deluxe version (with the tape) before they disappeared.


I'm so glad you like the book and were able to get one of the cassette versions! (I don't even have that lol)
I didn't make Dream Thieves, Diogo Nogueira did (and LFOSR printed the actual physical books). So if anyone was gonna have it available (maybe through lulu or something?) it would be him.

Hi ! 

I bought AZAG from LF OSR on the 9th of July and I haven't heard anything or gotten my copy of AZAG. I heard they were going out of business. Do you know how I could secure a physical copy of AZAG? Thanks! :)

Sorry you haven't gotten your copy from LF. I hope that works out.
As an alternative I'm in the process of getting a print on demand version up on DriveThruRPG. It won't be nearly as nicely crafted but will do if you need something physical. However, that is still a month or two out. 

Hi, thanks that's good news :)

Hi, is this the version of the pdf with a4 or a5 pages?


Is there a chance the reformatted version from lfosr will be available as pdf?


Yeah, I think I have a copy of that in my files somewhere, I could add it as a download option


A5 version is now available for download!

Are there any plans for a bookmarked version of the pdf for ease of use?


Interesting suggestion but I only thing I know how to insert are links. I'll look into it.


Update: I figured it out. So yeah, I will try to put out a version with bookmarks in the next couple months.

Any update on this?


Yes! It's done! (I was able to do bookmarking and a fix a bunch of typos in my recent holiday time off)
I'm about to upload the new pdf now


Any plans for a expanded bestiary or tips for converting monsters from Troika! Or other systems?


(I know I replied to you about this on Twitter but it bears posting here)
No current plans for a monster book but converting monsters from Troika! should be pretty easy.
The damage output of my monsters (although generated differently) should be roughly the same to the damage output of Troika! creatures, so you can use those monsters with their damage tables or vis versa.
Stamina is about the same and Disposition is just another way of saying Mien.
Armor and Initiative are a bit different. Initiative in that monster stats have no effect on it (barring special abilities). Armor is typically a bit higher in AZAG, you can convert Troika! monsters by assuming 1 Armor = 1d6, 2 = 1d8, etc, or thereabouts.
Monsters in AZAG also typically have 2 special abilities that sometimes introduce special mechanics, this may make them a little more powerful than Troika! enemies in some circumstances.


Hi, is there any realistic chance for the physical release to be restocked? Or maybe even become regularly available?


Yes! COVID threw a wrench in LFOSR and my plans but it’s looking like there will be an announcement around the end of the month (Feb).

Did I miss it or was it pushed out?  I'd love a physical copy.

pre-orders happening right now: https://lfosr.com/product/azag-single-volume/

How hard would it be to adapt the setting to Barbarians of Lemuria? I really dig the feeling you achived in this!

I've heard of Barbarians of Lemuria but haven't read it, so I'm not sure how my content would need to be altered mechanically. I can tell you that much of the setting stuff (the npc and quest hook generators in particular) are system agnostic, so those could certainly be transferred to anything.

Deleted 211 days ago

The AZAG weapon damage tables are meant to emulate Troika output, so I would use those.

Deleted 211 days ago

So with your last project being more of an adventure module or small setting, its pretty obvious what the music is for, its kind of like the OST of a video game or movie but how does the album fit with this project this time? An RPG can encompass many many more situations and moods and is a lot less tightly directed even if the other one was more a setting book. 

(1 edit)

Great question! So, Shifting City did synergize with its music in very specific ways. Each track was coupled with a different section of the book. This was something I could do because I was making pretty much every part of the project, which is cool but also very labor intensive.
With AZAG I put together a team, including a musician, who influenced each other in a general way, rather than crafting components specifically for each other. That's why in AZAG you don't see a track called, for example, The God in Silver, which was made for that short story as you would have in Shifting City. Instead, AZAG's score is meant to be listened to while playing, reading, or planning adventures with the  book. It sets mood and tone. It inspires. It informs the world in a way that words cannot. I believe that certain tracks work well for different situations, some bend more towards combat, or discovery, or suspense. Also, since it is so tied to such a rich genre, it encourages mixing in other tracks to expand your experience.
In short, this is a production decision meant to encourage flexibility and creativity among my team as well as give customers more options for how to use the music. While not as targeted as Shifting City's score (I feel) AZAG's is no less impactful.

Really digging this game! Is there a printed version? Or will there be? 

there is not currently, I'm looking into doing a limited print run though

ooo, do I sense a kickstarter brewing?

haha no, nothing like that, but I get why you'd think so


Absolutely fantastic, evocative stuff. Big fan of the prefixes/suffixes system for magic items, very roguelike-like. Love the art.

(1 edit)

Looks great. Found a couple of typos on the preview page, though...'effecting' should be 'affecting' and 'bare a special mark' should be 'bear a special mark'. 

I'll put these in my notes doc, thanks! I'm dreading sitting down with this in the next week for another editing pass, I'm sure I'll find a million things. That's the beauty of being able to update the digital files though.

Just a quick heads up, it looks like the Bandcamp link brings you to Shifting City instead of AZAG directly. It’s easy enough to find, but I figured a warning was warranted. 


oh, my mistake, thanks for letting me know!


How many pages of content?


78 (I should update the product page to list that, my bad)


As a quick note I just wanted to let people know a character sheet will be added to this product soon, as well as an update to the pdf giving it some links and searchability.

Any update on a character sheet? Loving the game and currently prepping an Elric-inspired planar-hopping mini campaign! 

Thus far my attempts have looked...very bad lol
So I've reached out to some artists to see if I can get a real nice one. Should have some more news on that soon.
I'm so glad you like the game! If you end up posting anything about it to twitter or wherever drop me a link, I'd love to hear about it!

Character Sheet is now available!

I see! Nice!

Been looking forward to this... will it be available today?


you're darn tootin' it will be! planning to go live at noon est here and bandcamp :)

Can't wait!